Spanish Training Academy S.C. is a Spanish school for foreign diplomats and is currently the sole source of external language education for the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City. We provide a six-month language and cultural immersion course that complies with all the requirements stated by the Embassy for its diplomats and their families.


In addition, since 2016, the teachers of Spanish Training Academy, having been selected exclusively by the U.S. Embassy among dozens of Spanish Academies, have been trained in the methodology designed by the Department of State’s, Foreign Service Institute.

Over the last three years, we have participated in both, the long (6 month) and short (2 week) immersions, having taught 64 students, preparing them to reach a level of Speaking 3 and Reading 3 on the ILR scale. We also teach courses that range from levels of basic, intermediate, advanced, maintenance and perfection of Spanish.